Al Falaj AlsSarani

Falaj Al Sarani
Falaj Al-Saarani in Wilayat Al-Buraimi is one of those tourist destinations that attracts tourists, whether from inside or outside the Sultanate. It is one of the ancient Davidic aflaj, estimated to be more than 3,000 years old. And the Saarani stream was reopened to life, again, after the water stopped flowing in its course for more than 15 years, which today has become a prominent historical landmark. The depth of the Davidic Falaj reaches 20 meters below the surface of the earth, and it is more than 3,500 years old. Those in charge of the Davidic Falaj succeeded in turning it into a prominent tourist attraction at the regional level. In the past, the inhabitants of the coast used to come to the oasis in the Buraimi oasis before the discovery of oil, to escape the heat and to enjoy the atmosphere of the oases, where the flowing water and the ripening fruits, and this oasis was cultivated with palm trees, lemons, mangoes, bananas and various fodders, which made it a haven from the scorching heat of the desert, and the oasis continued from The month of June to August, and during this period, trade exchange is active between the inhabitants of the oasis and those who come to them from the coast, and they exchange goods.